Monthly Archives: October 2007

Marshall McLuhan – The Book Of Probes (part 2)

Some more favorites from McLuhan.

Credit agencies have enormously depreciated our individuality with their bugging industry, in the process of propping up our egos.

The fish knows nothing of water.

Light is information without “content,” much as the missile is a vehicle without the additions of wheel or highway. As the missile is a self-contained transportation system that consumes not only its fuel but its engine, so light is a self-contained communication system in which the medium is the message.

Money is the poor man’s credit card.

The amateur can afford to lose. The expert is the man who stays put.

To use a brand of car, drink, smoke or food that is nationally advertised gives a man the feeling that he belongs to something bigger than himself.

Marshall McLuhan – The Book Of Probes

A mass medium is one in which the “message” is not directed at an audience but through an audience. The audience is both show and the message. Language is such a medium, one that includes all who use it as part of the medium itself.

You continue the flow of information, spreading it like a virus. You are the host.

Ryan Adams Saint Louis Show 10/5/2007

This was my first Ryan Adams show. The sound was great. He played a solid 2 hour set. Was a bit goofy at points (spouting nonsense into the mic, maybe he needs a drink).

That man can shred a guitar though. If you can find a live version of I See Monsters (especially the one from last night’s show, here’s one from 2006) I recommend you download it. The ending was FANTASTIC. Pumping sound right through me. His voice was great, though the instruments overpowered his voice a little.

He did come on late. Tickets said show starts at 8, he came on a 8:40, so I know next time to not go so early. Made a little Cardinals joke (saying before going to a break that he’d play some songs for Cardinals’ fans, the crowd applauds, and he says “no, not those Cardinals, us Cardinals.”)

It was also my first time at The Pageant. I don’t have many previous concerts to draw on, but I must say this is a decent place to see a show. The beer was a little pricey, but that’s all right.

Fashion: Wi-Fi Detector Shirt, Self-Detects Geeks – Gizmodo

Fashion: Wi-Fi Detector Shirt, Self-Detects Geeks – Gizmodo


Ryan Adams

I’ve got tickets to tomorrow night’s Ryan Adams’ show.

I haven’t been to a concert in a long time. In fact, I’ve never been one at The Pageant. I’m hoping all goes well and that Ryan doesn’t have another meltdown like in Minneapolis.